Here is an actual conversation Carter and I had tonight as he was falling asleep:
Me: "Carter, even when you're a big daddy with little kids, I'll still love to give you hugs and kiss your head."
Carter : "Uh Mom, I won't be having little kids because I won't be married."
Me: "Why is that?"
Carter: "Because I want to stay with you" (awwwww...isn't that cute?)
Me: "Okay, that's fine."
Carter: "Mom, do you think they'll have different phones when I'm all grown up?"
Me: "Yes"
Carter: "hmmm...more new phones from the network Verizon Wireless"
and then he fell soundly asleep.
Please save me from the vision of a 35 year old Carter in my basement spending every penny on technological gadgets. Please.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Visions of the Future
Posted by Audrey at 8:27 PM 7 comments
Labels: Carter Quotes
Sick Days
Here is something else I'm thankful for...NOT THROWING UP! I was sick yesterday and it totally sucked. Why don't mom's get sick days? Honestly. I needed a sick day WAY more yesterday than I ever did when I worked. As I look around the house I see two giant 7-up spills on the floor (cleaned up by Carter...I'll leave the rest to your imagination), every one of my purses dumped out, as well as every toy or piece of clothing the kids have used or worn in the last 48 hours. In addition, I'd started decorating for Christmas before the bug hit, so the Christmas bins are filling up every inch of floor not covered by toys and clothing and mail. (Why do we get so much crappy mail?!! I am so sick of magazines, ads, and general pieces of paper that I have to deal with!) That said, Carter was dream yesterday. He helped Spike while I bossed orders from the couch or the bathroom. He tried his very best to clean up messes. He didn't whine, cry or fight. He was awesome. And that, my friends, is why when I crawled back to bed at 9:00 last night, Carter was still up playing Lego Star Wars with Jeff and I didn't even care.
Posted by Audrey at 12:27 PM 2 comments
Labels: family
Okay, I slacked on the gratitude posts. It wasn't because I wasn't grateful. Nope I was just a slacker. To make up for it, I'm going to try to carry on the theme through the rest of the holidays. So here are a few to get me started:
1. Primary Programs
Last year Carter slept through the program. This year, he promised he was "NOT going to fall asleep." He had a short little line, "I look like Heavenly Father (or Fadder as he would say)" and he sang a little phrase from the "I am a Builder" primary song. (I know that isn't the real name of the song, but it is all I can come up with). Okay, I have to say, he was the cutest kid ever. Despite serious effort not to be, we were late to church that morning, and Carter marched right up to his spot. He did a great job on his parts and wasn't naughty at all. Here is the best part though, every 5-10 minutes, he'd look at me (on the back row in the overflow...why are we always late!) and wave at me. How great are waves from the stand?!!!! Honestly, they were like a drug. Can I buy that kind of happiness? Pretty much I cried through the whole program because I love that kid so much.
P.S. Did I mention that I love him a lot. and did I mention that Spike sang Carter's song right a long with him?
Posted by Audrey at 12:19 PM 1 comments
Labels: Carter church