Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tickets and Prayers

Carter has been working on a reward program. If he does good things (as in going to bed without a tantrum, getting ready in the morning without me having a tantrum) he gets tickets. The tickets are redeemed for the various desires of a 4 year old. So far he has purchased lots of computer game time, a checkers game, and a trip to Chucky Cheese. (By the way, on the way home from Mr. Cheese, he feel asleep in the car singing, "it's the best day ever" song from Spongebob. )

Last night, as Jeff tucked him in bed, this was the prayer that Jeff and God heard, "Dear Heavenly Father, please bless Grandma and Grandpa. Bless me that I will sleep well and earn tickets so that I can see Monster's vs. Aliens coming to feeaters (otherwise known as "theaters") this Friday. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen"

Yes, he actually said, "Coming to theaters this Friday." So help me.....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Wheels of Time

I turned 30 last week and I felt old. It wasn't the wrinkles or the softer body, no it was the feeling that life is going too fast. A week used to last forever. A month was an eternity and anything beyond that was unthinkable. Now, I have suddenly reached a point where I have any overwhelming desire for everything to SLOW DOWN. I love this time in my life. I love having my children small and in my arms. I love arguing about who loves who the most. Last night, Carter told me he loved me more than the solar system....what is better than that? Our support network is strong. Gone are the days of having parents that don't know anything. Suddenly, our parents are our friends, mentors and accomplices. They are planted firmly by our sides in raising our children and surviving life's adventures. We have good friends that have seen us through the best and the worst. Jeff and I are at a point in our marriage where we love each other not only for our strengths, but for our weaknesses. We are a formidable team. Together we believe that our dreams are possible. The future is ours to have. We are healthy and strong. Often I am struck by the realization that this life is better than I ever dreamed it could be. I may not be able to slow down time, but I can make the time count.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Jr. High Ski Days

When I was growing up, we had "Jr. High Ski Day". It was the glorious day, a few times of the year, when the entire Jr. High would suit up and head to Beaver Mt. for the day. It didn't matter if you knew how to ski or not,you went.....and you had fun. It was before the days of helmets. Kids rocked the day in jeans. I don't know if I ever saw anyone in goggles. Maybe we had sunglasses? Probably not. The school loaded us on buses, packed us box lunches, and set us free. The entire day, including a short lesson (if you were shamed into taking one), rental skis, and a lift pass was $10. Free of parents and lacking common sense, the day was chaos. By the end of the day, coats were tied around waists and kids were skiing runs we had NO BUSINESS being on, taking sweet jumps when we could barely snowplow. Oh, the glory days.

Over the years Ashley and I have joked that when we ski poorly, it is a "Jr. High ski day". Last weekend, I had a true Jr. High day. Ash and Mike invited me to hike up Garden City Canyon and ski with them. I really wanted to go. However, I had no skins to skin in, so Mike volunteered to carry my skis while I went in on snowshoes. (Seriously, who does that...thanks Mike!!!). Then I realized I had no boots, so I wore my random winter shoes and gators that I got when I was 11. Hello, ghetto. Anyway, I was totally dragging on the hike up. I lost my hat when I sat down to fix my shoe. When it was time to ski, I got freaked out and had a mental breakdown. (Mental breakdown=me lying in the snow with my skis straight in the air). I was a mess. But then, just like those ski days from so long ago, it was totally awesome. I saw a view of the lake I've never seen before. I felt proud that I actually made it to the top. I felt even prouder that I made it to the bottom. I was out of my league and it was miserable and wonderful.