Monday, August 18, 2008

Bad Day/Great Day and Some Swearing

Today was one of those days when just as everything is going terrible, something wonderful happens. It was our first day back to "real life" after Jeff being on vacation for all of last week, so it was a bit of a reality check. I decided today was a good day to get passports for me and the boys so that we can go on vacation in October. Um, that was until I realized I can't find Spike's birth certificate. I thought I knew EXACTLY where it was. Apparently not. While I was freaking out about that, I heard Carter yell "uh oh" from upstairs. I ran up to find Spike sitting in a pile of rice krispies. Like a full box that he'd dumped on the floor and smashed up. (picture to follow) Have I mentioned that his cereal costs a fortune? It does and we had to throw all of it away because it had been smashed to pieces. Beyond the cost, the biggest pain is that I have to go to Provo to buy the cereal. I think Carter could tell I was about to lose it, because he said, "mommy, let me clean it up". He was so cute, he worked so hard and vacuumed it all up. That was when the night turned around. After that, Carter was my best helper. He helped make dinner and even helped clean up. Jeff got done with work late, but we ended up walking the trail around Deer Creek. It was perfect! The kids were great and we got to enjoy the last little bit of summer. It was one of the first times all summer that Carter really got out of the stroller and hiked. He ran races with Jeff and I, saw two bunnies, found animal bones and rocks, and peed in the bushes. Could life be better?

On a final note, the day also taught me that Jeff and I need to really start watching our language. Carter is a super swearer. I think it is because he comes from a long line of cursers, but really, he knows how to place the words perfectly. For example, tonight while making dinner, I tried a piece of pasta to see if it was done. Carter looked at me and said, "Mommy, why are you eating that damn hot pasta?" Last week, he watched a movie and said, "that guy is kicking his ass." I hate to admit it, because the swearing really is bad, but it is so funny that I laugh every time. He's just so serious about it. Wish me luck on watching my language and keeping a straight face while listening to Carter.


Bonnie said...

So where are you going fun in october? I am excited for your building project. You will probably finish long before we do!Good luck with everything!

Monica said...

Carter and Luke have a lot in common even in the language department. No wonder he is Luke's only friend. ha ha

Amy said...

Um... it can't be any worse than your 2 year old child walking around Costco with your parents and they think he is saying truck until they start listening a little harder.
I'm sorry but your kids don't have a chance in hell with the Remund swearing problem. HA HA!

Audrey said...

Damn Remunds ;) Oh my hell, I love them anyway. Your grandma was so famous to me with her "oh my hell's".

McIntire Madness said...

Nice! I love it. I come from a line of swearers (although they still use the excuse that it isn't swearing in England) and I once was talking to my barbies and told Ken to turn off the damn tv. :)