Friday, September 19, 2008


What a miracle it is to have children in our lives. From the moment they enter the world and we first hold them in our arms, our lives are never the same again. How grateful I am to have held my babies on my chest and comforted them as they fell asleep. I feel blessed to be able to bathe their perfect bodies, feed them endless meals, and buy new clothes as they grow out of them. These things let me know that their bodies are growing and they are healthy and strong. I'm so glad for the constant noise of our home. The tantrums and silliness let me know they are individuals and I'm glad they can express themselves. I'm thankful for the constant questions and crazy stories and new "invented" words. Where would we be without the passion and imagination of children? I love this time in their lives when I can make anything better with a hug and a snuggle. I love the way they smell when they sleep, their rumpled hair and messy faces.

This time with my boys is such a small part of our lives. So, given that, I've resolved again to say "yes" more often. To spend more time at the park and less time on the internet. I will listen more and ask them to be quiet less. I will play games that I hate. I will sword fight, play Star Wars, and operate diggers. I will read the same book 3000 times more and I will like it. I will like it because I am a mother. I am a mother who is loved. I am a mother who gets to watch my children sleep at night. I am a mother who gets to watch my children grow. I am blessed. These days may be short, but I will not wish them away. I am a mother.


Becca said...

Stop it! you have me tearing, and I so just sent my kids away downstairs so I could "internet" in peace guilt trip......
Thanks for the insight I need to resolve to do the same.

Nick, Kristen, Kaysen, Breklyn and Brayden said...

Way to go Audrey!! I especially needed to read something like this. I need to take your advice. Thanks for the inspirational post you are wonderful.

Janelle said...

Okay now I have guilt.

Monica said...

That was beautiful... You are such a great mom! Time does go by way to fast to not enjoy all the littleness of the kids. I need to remember that more often. Thanks.

Kristen said...

It is true, I am finally enjoying my kids - but seriously have you lost all of your Blanck?

Cindy Williams said...

I love you Audrey! You are such a good Mom.

Rick and T said...

i loved that post i love my kids also-even when they loose their shoes twice in one week and look at me like i'm a psyco!!!
your kids are the cutest and the luckiest-they have you as a mom, jeff as a dad and cindygilly

your house looks awesome! we'll get you a water softener so you won't have to clean as much

Rick and T said...

i loved that post i love my kids also-even when they loose their shoes twice in one week and look at me like i'm a psyco!!!
your kids are the cutest and the luckiest-they have you as a mom, jeff as a dad and cindygilly

your house looks awesome! we'll get you a water softener so you won't have to clean as much

Jessica said...

I agree! You said it so well. We are all so blessed!

Two Twisted Sistas said...

Between this post and the one about the messy house I am feeling like a better person today. You should publish this post or put it in vinyl I think you would make a fortune! I think it is great that we all understand and no one is ever judging your house being a mess cuz we all get it. My sis has a saying hanging in her house "my house was clean yesterday, sorry you missed it" That is pretty much the way it goes for me except it wasn't clean yesterday either.