Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Jesus Store

On Tuesday I took the kids with me on quick shopping trip to Provo. We made it to three stores without a meltdown! The highlight of the day was the Distribution Center. We were walking through the store and Carter was, of course, bored. All of a sudden, he noticed there were pictures. This is what was heard by fellow shoppers:

Carter : "Mom, look, there is a picture of Jesus! Look, there is another one of Him! Mom, this is the JESUS STORE!!"

Me: (laughing) " Yes, Carter I guess it is. Do you know what is happening in this picture?" (picture posted above)

Carter: "Mom, see this guy and this guy (pointing to the two on the far sides of the picture) they are robbers. And Jesus, I don't know what he did to get on that cross. Too bad for him."

Me: "Carter, would you like to pick a Jesus picture for your room?"

Carter: "Um, no Mom...I would like a transformers poster."

I think it is time for us to invest in the Liken movies or a similar product. Any suggestions?


McIntire Madness said...

That is so funny! I love it! We had family home evening the other night and we asked Cole who was in that same picture and he said Batman! Looks like we need some videos too!

Kristen said...

HILARIOUS! Kids know the strangest facts, like the robbers, etc. I think I had forgotten that detail - we just focus on Christ.

Nick, Kristen, Kaysen, Breklyn and Brayden said...

Love it. Kids say the cutest things. And of course he would want a Transformers they are so cool (not saying that Jesus isn't). ;-)

Erin said...

That is great!! One time my little brother was watching my girls and Sage wanted to watch the movie "The Testament" and in the middle of it she asked my brother "When does Jesus Die?" He thought it was so funny, Kid's say the funniest things. By the way Transformers are cool too!

Nicole said...

That is a cute story, thanks for the comment on my blog it made me smile.. and I do the same thing. :) You are such a good mommy.. we need movies too.

Bonnie said...

To cute! It was great talking to you the other day. Sorry we got cut off, lets chat again soon! Love ya!

Leslie Garbanati said...

You crack me up. I haven't been on your blog for a LONG time and got some laughs as I read some of your posts. I hope all is well.