Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cow Part II

I was hoping the cow was a joke. I was hoping it, like so many other big ideas, would not come to fruition. I wish this was an April Fools Day joke. It is not. There is a cow in the corral. It's name is Dinner. Carter calls it a "steak cow" and is counting the days until we can kill it. Jeff and I have tried to be gentle about the eventual demise of the cow. Jeff suggested that it would go to a place, where it would "put it to sleep" and they'd turn it into meat. Carter's reply was, "that won't work, they need sharp things." He then asked when we would "shoot it". If you ask him now, "we are trying to see if we can keep it alive until Thanksgiving and then we'll turn it into steak. I love steak so much." Good for Carter. I, on the other hand, am not sure I'll ever be able to eat steak again.


Janelle said...

To quote your favorite animal control officer "Welcome to the country Mam"

Kris Tina said...

This is going to be perfect. Let us know when we should come up and visit for some delicious steak. Oh wait - we are off red meat. Instead we just will be impressed by your example of taking the "year supply" stuff all the way to the next level.

Cindy Williams said...

Thank goodness that Dinner isn't mooing too much. Carter is taking the feeding pretty seriously. Guess those tickets are adding up quick!

Monica said...

oh my gosh I am laughing so hard. Dinner now that is a classic name for a cow. Maybe one night Dinner can give out cow rides to the kids? Think... petting zoo you could make big money.

McIntire Madness said...

Dinner, I can't get over that. You are hilarious!

Mandy said...

Gotta love little boys! :)

Alecia&Kaylee said...

Out of all of us I never would have imagined you having a cow in your backyard! You having me laughing so hard. And it looks like Carter takes after you in naming animals. I was always amazed at your fams animals names... LOL!

Andrea said...

Just have to say, fresh meat is the best!! Can't wait to see you. We are raising a pig to do the same thing-his name is Spot! I love Dinner- Carter is so dang cute!

Ali said...

I cannot quit laughing! Carter definetly takes after his parents in the humor department!

Bonnie said...

You make my whole day!!! My kids would love to meet Dinner. Carter is way too smart!!