Monday, April 20, 2009

Yay for Me

This weekend I did something I never thought I would do. I ran/walked the SLC Half Marathon. I have never been an athlete. I have never been a runner. I have been thin before, but I have never been strong. Probably my most vivid memory of high school (I don't have many...most of high school I have blocked) was knowing that my death was almost certain as I tried to complete the 16 minute mile for Coach Stuart's PE class. I barely made by seconds...and I can honestly say it was one of the worst experiences of my life. Last May I started a Mommy and Me stroller class and was so tired I had to lie down on the cement because I again thought I was going to die. Both experiences sucked.

In honor of turning 30, I decided this year was the year to change all that. I started "running" for the first time in my life in October and have slowly worked my way up. My only goal for the race was to finish and to hopefully not be miserable during the process. I have tolerated my training runs, but I haven't ever enjoyed them. So, imagine my suprise, when I couldn't stop smiling through the race. I LOVED it! I achieved my goal of finishing and enjoying the race, Two days later my legs feel good and I'm mobile. My time wasn't great, but I've come a long way from the 18 year old who nearly died of exhaustion on the streets of Randolph. Yay for me!

The picture above is of Jeff, me and my friend Janelle. Janelle is an inspiration as I don't think she has missed a workout in years. I'm glad to have her to motivate me! Thank goodness for peer pressure!


Erin said...

Great Job Audrey! That is great!

Mandy said...

That is such a wonderful accomplishment! Great for you!!! :) You are amazing! :)

Danielle said...

Audrey, you inspire me. I think that's so cool. You know I relate to you in the exercise realm, so this gives me hope!

Monica said...

Way to go Audrey!! Word on the street is that you totally rocked that race. Lets get ready for some Provo Canyon runs.

McIntire Madness said...

Whoohoo! Very cool. It is very empowering.

Janelle said...

Agree Yay for you. Thanks for talking me into doing it. I loved it and can't wait to run one with you again. I'm jealous you can walk down stairs normal.

Kristen said...

I laughed out loud - I relate so well to your pain! I would have loved to see you on the concrete! Good Job!

Bonnie said...

I swore I posted you a congrats earlier, but its not showing up! You are and always have been amazing. Good job!!

Blanck said...

You are so hilarious. I get a huge kick out of your humorous tone. There are many a day I would have rather chewed my arm off than get on the treadmill. But oddly we become addicted. Great work!

Rick and T said...

that is so cool you did that! i thought i was doing great when i ran a 5K. dang your good!

Kris Tina said...

This is phenomenal - nice work!