Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

So I'm sure that the blog world is abuzz with sweet touching stories of Father's Day today. What do I love most about Jeff? I have so many wonderful things to say about my cute family and my wonderful husband Jeff, but today, I'm keeping it real. What I love best about Jeff right now is that when Spike choked on dirt, fell down three stairs and ate dog poo last week, Jeff laughed and helped me clean up. Yes, you read that right, choked on dirt, fell down three stairs and ate dog poo in the course of one day. The dog poo story is really too gruesome to go into, but let's suffice to say it involved a "s**t-eating smile", me having the gags while screaming and cleaning Spike up, a frantic call to the pediatrician, and husband that loves me enough to help me clean up while he was laughing hysterically.

Often I read blogs and get the impression that everyone who has a blog also has a perfect life of bliss and amazing achievement (and professional quality pics to go along with it). Well, our life may not be perfect,(and I'm glad I don't have pics of the poop), but I couldn't be more thankful. Jeff is an awesome dad who can lighten the mood in an instant, wrestle kids like crazy, calm a crazy mom, save a dog's (zoiee) life, and do it all while traveling 4 days a week and working like crazy. I love you Jeff and I can't imagine my crazy/non-perfect/wonderful life without you!


Erin said...

Isn't that the way life is!! Believe me our family is far from perfect...hearing other's stories just make you laugh because we can relate.

P.S. We had a one eat poo too!!

Janelle said...

I love your stories!! Haven't had a poo eater yet but my life is far from perfect. I'm sure my day is coming soon.

Amy said...

No poo pictures?! Oh that would have been a good one for Cindy to scrapbook!

Life would be boring if it was perfect, i'm sure glad we aren't.

Nicole said...

We are far from perfect.... and have had cow poop experiences. BUT have no pictures thankfully. Thats great that you have a supportive husband to help you threw those "I hate being a mom" moments!

Bonnie said...

Don't you just love days like that!! Sometimes I wonder if it is just me swimming in poo but now I know I share that with Spike!!

Monica said...

ha ha.. I loved your tribute. It's true all the small little things like cleaning poo out of mouths of babes is what really counts.

Ali said...

Audrey, Thanks for the laugh. I know I shouldn't laugh at your nightmare of your child eating dog poo,(that really is so disgusting!) but who couldn't laugh at it after the horror! Right?

McIntire Madness said...

Okay, so it has been awhile since I blog stalked, but this was hilarious! I was laughing so hard Matt came over to see what I was laughing at. Long live crazy babies!