For those of you who knew me when Carter was born, you'll remember that I was a complete nut job about his food. That boy was going to eat only the healthiest food around. No mac and cheese, spagetti o's? NOT MY KID. My child would eat healthy, whole foods. Let's just say that times changed. Fast forward to Spike. As many of you know, feeding him has been an issue. He doesn't tolerate wheat, gluten, dairy, and appears to be a little sensitive to eggs. No wonder he only weighs 16 lbs at one year, you can't get fat on fruit and rice cakes! Anyway, I've been longing for a "meal in can/pouch" for him. Packing a meal that he can and wants to eat every time we leave the house was starting to feel overwhelming. Plus, he's one now, and doesn't want to eat his lame0 stuff when everyone else is eating something yummy at a restuarant. Fortunatley, my mother-in-law is the queen of internet shopping and this week a box of food from gluten free mall arrived. It contained pouches of spaghetti-o's, rice and chili mac for kids with allergies. I just have to stick them in the microwave and Spike loves them. The first night he ate them, we all got a little teary. It was amazing to watch him eating with both hands and getting covered from head to toe in spaghetti. At this point in my life, I'm so grateful for the people who are making allergen-free food for little kids. It is such a blessing to be able to watch Spike eat something good and normal and offically "kid food".
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Kid Can Eat!
Posted by Audrey at 11:43 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
We have A-Pids (AKA: aphids)
Carter and I were outside picking lettuce today when I noticed that there were some aphids. I showed Carter the aphids and told him that we would put some spray on them to make them go away. I am new gardener and I'm trying to stay chemical/fertilizer free so I consulted the internet for directions. The internet told me to mix dish soap and water and spray. Of course, I couldn't find a squirt bottle so it was a run to the store. This is what Carter told Jeff as we were leaving, "STORE EMERGENCY! We have Apids on our growing salad!!"
Here is what kills me about the whole thing, at our house, lettuce is referred to only as "salad." That said, Carter HATES salad and covers his mouth with his hands if it gets within a foot of him. So, I have no idea why he was so concerned about the bugs. He was though, and those "apids" have been thoroughly sprayed.
Posted by Audrey at 2:42 PM 7 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
So Blessed
So, I stole this from Becca's blog and it is my new favorite thing. You can not beat a blog that makes fun of Utah bloggers. It is SPOT ON!! Please enjoy.
Posted by Audrey at 5:33 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Shooting Stars
A few weeks ago, Jeff and Carter went to get the mail "in the middle of the night". (Code for around 10:00---after we got home from Bear Lake) Carter came upstairs today and told me that on the mail adventure, they had seen "two shooting stars!" He followed that up with this quote: "Mom, do you know that shooting stars are so powerful? They are so powerful that when you wish, any wish you wish will come true!"
Someone is watching too much Disney. Then again, here's hoping that Disney is right..I'll keep wishing on shooting stars.
Posted by Audrey at 5:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: Carter Quotes
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Summer Nights
Last night was one of the nights that makes me so grateful to live in this amazing valley. The Midway Arts Foundation had a great (and FREE) Peter Breinholt concert at the Midway Plaza ...AKA " the town square". It was so much fun! Carter started asking at 3:00 when we were going to the concert. He loved it. The kid has rhythm, so there was a lot of dancing. Even Jeff and I busted out our old school moves. The best part though, Spike got a treat! They had these push-pop type treats that were actually Italian ice---gluten and dairy free. Spike was squealing with joy. He had one taste, then grabbed the whole treat and covered his face. It ended up that he ate the better part of two icee-things. (How can you say no to a 17 lb baby who is frantically making the "bottle" sign...because its the only sign he knows and it usually gets him food?)He still has a slightly blue face and Jeff's clothes may become casualties of fatherhood. Big thanks to Cindy who rode her girly girl pink bike to the concert and took the kids for a walk when they started to get restless. It was so much fun to sit on the blanket with Jeff and listen to the songs we loved in college and pretend we were cool again. Long live summer!
Posted by Audrey at 1:27 PM 4 comments