Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We have A-Pids (AKA: aphids)

Carter and I were outside picking lettuce today when I noticed that there were some aphids. I showed Carter the aphids and told him that we would put some spray on them to make them go away. I am new gardener and I'm trying to stay chemical/fertilizer free so I consulted the internet for directions. The internet told me to mix dish soap and water and spray. Of course, I couldn't find a squirt bottle so it was a run to the store. This is what Carter told Jeff as we were leaving, "STORE EMERGENCY! We have Apids on our growing salad!!"

Here is what kills me about the whole thing, at our house, lettuce is referred to only as "salad." That said, Carter HATES salad and covers his mouth with his hands if it gets within a foot of him. So, I have no idea why he was so concerned about the bugs. He was though, and those "apids" have been thoroughly sprayed.


Bonnie said...

I am so impressed that you are a gardner. I keep thinking I need to get going but I kill most of my flowers so I'm not sure how successful I'd be!! Any tips...

Erin said...

Good Luck with those "Apids" on your salad. Kids are so cute! I wish I had a garden, Ty told me maybe next year.

Janelle said...

Holy cow! First coupons and now a thriving garden. You are becoming super woman.

Jessica said...

You are awesome for growing a garden. I was to lazy this year but I have a pot of basil to make myself feel better. You go girl!

Audrey said...

um, you guys should NOT be impressed with the me. Also, know that if you spray dishsoap/water on basil, the basil turns black and dies.

Two Twisted Sistas said...

I finally found Janelle's blog which led me to yours...YEA. I hope you don't mind but I am adding you to my blogger friends. Kudos on the garden I know who to call when..if I get ambitious.

Monica said...

I don't know that garden looks pretty green and apids free..and you are also teaching green thumb techniques to your offspring...pretty impressive to me!!