Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Okay, I can't believe I'm writing this. I can't believe I'm considering it. I'm embarrassed for myself. That said, I am in need of help. Help that I never thought I would need or want. Here it is, Jeff wants to buy a cow. Not a cow as a pet or anything weird like that, but a cow to eat.

Go ahead, laugh, call each other and talk about how I've lost my mind, I'm cool with it.

Okay, get serious now. We know nothing about cows. I'm aware this is a bad sign. Never fear though, I know that my peeps (Rich County, I'm counting on you!) can help. There is a place for it to live, food (grass) and water available. We want to eat it in the fall. (Because we are freaking Little House on the Prairie.) We may have found an appox 600lb beef calf for purchase. Here are my questions.

1. What is a good price?
2. Can it just eat grass or does it need corn and grain through the summer?
3. Is it going to die or get sick? Is this a high maintenance undertaking?
4. Does it need a friend? What I mean is, will it moo all day if it is alone or just with the horses?
5. General warnings or advice?
6. Should we just say "f-it" and buy the meat at the store? I'm serious.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Nine years ago on Valentine's day, Jeff and I were counting the days until our May wedding. We skied the Beav during the day. I dragged Jeff to pick out dishes that night (ZCMI was going out of business). I have no idea what I gave him, probably nothing, but I remember exactly what he gave me. I received a red rose and a can of Almond Roca. It was true love. I was certain my future was filled with nothing but romance.

Fast forward nine years to this Valentine's Day. I got up full of high hopes. I tried to make the kids make valentines, but they couldn't focus. (I think Carter got burned out writing his name on all the Batman valentines for preschool). I tried to get them to deliver cookies, but they just lounged around. In a last ditch effort, I cut sandwiches into heart shapes. They were cute, really they were. However, I was informed that they were NOT the shape of normal sandwiches and Carter refused to eat them. So, what's a girl to do but.........

Yep, Monster trucks. Our awesome friend Brandon got us tickets and headed out to Monster Trucks on Valentine's Day. We've been a few years now, and I have to admit, my white trash self LOVES the monster trucks. Spike was terrified at first, but then totally loved it. Carter, is an even bigger fan of monster trucks than I am. He packed up his toy monster trucks and drove them on his lap through the whole show. There were tears when Blue Thunder lost his heat and also tears when the trucks took breaks. Other than that, it was a great evening. We purchased the program ($10!!!!) and it has now joined the ranks of the 2007 and 2008 editions as Carter's favorite books.

So, it turns out that Valentines day 9 years later isn't quite what I envisioned for myself. But when it comes right down to, it, nothing makes me happier than seeing my boys (all three of them) light up with excitement. How can you beat watching a four year old shake it to butt rock music? Is there really anything better than a toddler squealing and clapping? In my opinion, if I spent every Valentine's day for the rest of my life with happy, healthy kids, good friends, and a husband that loves me wherever we are, I will consider it a life well spent. Even if it is at the monster trucks.......

(Oh, and, just for the record, Jeff did take me out for a nice dinner the night romance isn't totally dead)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Appropriate Footwear

Sometimes my Bear Lake upbringing becomes more obvious than other times. I spend my winter constantly planning for "what if I get stranded". I wear only long-sleeved shirts/sweaters/fleece in the winter. I have a space blanket, gloves, hats, extra coats and food in my car. If I'm going anywhere far (as in outside of Heber) and there is a spec snow in the western hemisphere I have boots and a flashlight. I don't like the car to ever have less than 1/2 tank of gas. For a long time, I thought this was normal behavior for all people. Jeff informs that it is not and that I am a freak. Okay, whatever.

I also realize that I am the only woman under 45 who wears tights and closed-toe shoes to church on Sunday and I have come to terms with that. I figure the building is hot and most people have traveled less than a few blocks. Therefore, chances of frostbite are minimal. I'm not sure why no one else is cold, but again, whatever. Last night though, I was pushed over the edge.

We had an opportunity to go to Solider Hollow tubing. Since we went at 7:00 and it is February in Utah, I bundled our little family. Even Jeff had on snow pants and gloves and boots. (Those of you who know Jeff know that he rarely has a coat or gloves. He is apparently immune to the cold.) As we got out of the car I consulted the temp. It was 28 degrees and there was approx. 4 inches of new snow/ice. We started up the hill and some idiot from BYU (I know this because of his sweatshirt and loud converstation about his FHE group) runs past me to get in line 2 seconds sooner. I was thinking what a jerk he was when I looked down. You won't believe it, he was wearing CHACOS w/ NO SOCKS, and NO MITTENS/GLOVES!! Are you kidding me? For real?!!!! How does that happen? These are the questions I need answered:

#1-Who wears chacos as their shoes during a blizzard?
#2-Who decides that they are an appropriate choice to wear through Provo Canyon?
#3-At what point do you say to yourself, "I have no socks, regular shoes, boots or gloves, I should go tubing!"
#4-What was the girl thinking that was hanging out with him?

Is it bad that every time he slipped or fell I smiled?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


It was a big day today, Carter "graduated" ski school. He has been taking lessons with his fearless instructor Steve (or as Carter would call him, "Dave....I mean Steve") twice a week for the last month. I am amazed at his progress. On the first day he was super clingy and terrified. The second week, he would go so slow that it took them forever to go anywhere. Last week, he had a tramatic event involving the wind blowing on his face. Today, as part of Team X-Wing (him and Steve...guess who made up the name?) he fearlessly made wide pizza turns all the way down the little slalom course they set up. Through it all, he has loved the lessons and espeically the treats that he finds in his boots after class. (Thanks Grandma!) Here are some of my favorite lines from Carter during the lessons:

"Mom, do you know the worst part about lessons? You have to listen to your teacher"
Me: Carter, how do you turn?
Carter: "You just put your arms out and your skis know what to do"
Carter: "Did you know there are snow mites on the big mountain that make you fall sometimes? And you have to stand right back up and keep skiing so they don't bite you." (Don't ask, I don't know about snow mites)
Carter: "Mom, great news. The girl peed her pants two times! Bad for her, good for me. Now I don't ever have to ski with her again"

Here is a cute picture of Gil and Cindy and the skier. Thanks to them for making the lessons possible. I tried to con Carter into having lunch in Snow Park today, in honor of the occasion. However, he vetoed the plan and selected Dairy Keen instead. Good for him, bad for me I guess ;)