Wednesday, February 4, 2009


It was a big day today, Carter "graduated" ski school. He has been taking lessons with his fearless instructor Steve (or as Carter would call him, "Dave....I mean Steve") twice a week for the last month. I am amazed at his progress. On the first day he was super clingy and terrified. The second week, he would go so slow that it took them forever to go anywhere. Last week, he had a tramatic event involving the wind blowing on his face. Today, as part of Team X-Wing (him and Steve...guess who made up the name?) he fearlessly made wide pizza turns all the way down the little slalom course they set up. Through it all, he has loved the lessons and espeically the treats that he finds in his boots after class. (Thanks Grandma!) Here are some of my favorite lines from Carter during the lessons:

"Mom, do you know the worst part about lessons? You have to listen to your teacher"
Me: Carter, how do you turn?
Carter: "You just put your arms out and your skis know what to do"
Carter: "Did you know there are snow mites on the big mountain that make you fall sometimes? And you have to stand right back up and keep skiing so they don't bite you." (Don't ask, I don't know about snow mites)
Carter: "Mom, great news. The girl peed her pants two times! Bad for her, good for me. Now I don't ever have to ski with her again"

Here is a cute picture of Gil and Cindy and the skier. Thanks to them for making the lessons possible. I tried to con Carter into having lunch in Snow Park today, in honor of the occasion. However, he vetoed the plan and selected Dairy Keen instead. Good for him, bad for me I guess ;)


Monica said...

The best line ever is the one about the girl who peed her pants. That is classic. Where does he come up with this stuff? He is the funniest. :)

Alecia&Kaylee said...

Hello... Looks like your keeping busy this winter!

Kristen said...

We should take the little ones skiing one day.

Janelle said...

Good job Carter!

Nick, Kristen, Kaysen, Breklyn and Brayden said...

How cute is he. He is so funny too. I love that.

Jessica said...

I must say Carter has mad skills on all types of skis!

Audrey said...

Jessica, you crack me up. If you mean to say that I have mad skills carrying all types of his skis, you would be correct :)

Mandy said...

I love his quotes from ski school! :) Especially the girl who peed her pants. True little boy there! :)