Heard in our car Saturday night:
Carter: "Mom, do you know who the next president of the United States is?"
Me: "No Carter, who?"
Carter: "John McCain is the next president"
Me: "Really? I'm not sure I support John McCain"
Carter: "Well, too bad. I'm a John McCain supporter."
How has this happened? My little Carter has grown up in a house of democrats, and yet at four years old, he's a John McCain supporter? I'm all for letting everyone pick their own politics, but I didn't expect him to pick so early!
Monday, October 20, 2008
John McCain
Posted by Audrey at 8:22 AM 4 comments
Labels: Carter Quotes
Friday, October 17, 2008
How Can Someone so Cute be so Bad?
I had planned to write a post about our vacation today, but Spike just trumped it. I took him out of the bath this morning and put him down for a nap wearing just a diaper. Bad move. He has taken off his diaper a few times before, but it's never been a big mess. Usually, it's just been kind of funny to walk in on a kid with a bare bum in his bed. That said, I should have learned my lesson. I didn't.
I heard him fussing and went in to get him out of his bed. I opened the door and the smell hit me. You guessed it, poop. I quickly assessed the situation, disaster. He'd taken off the perfectly dry, clean diaper. Peed his bed, pooped his bed and then played in it. POOP EVERYWHERE! Everywhere but the diaper that is. I looked at him and screamed, "You didn't!" He looked back at me, pointed at the poo pile and said, "uh oh". Yeah, uh oh.
I thought about taking a picture. Then decided that was disgusting and he would be forever mortified. So, we took another bath and cleaned his room. Spike has now lost "diaper only" privileges and will be wearing a onsie at all times.
Posted by Audrey at 11:05 AM 5 comments
Labels: Spike
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Okay, I've been ignoring the tags because I'm pretty boring. But....I am now caving to peer pressure.
The Man Tag!!
A. The rules are posted at the beginning.B. Each Person answers questions about their sweethearts C. At the End of the post, the person then tags people and posts their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged.Alright people here are the facts and details.
What is your husbands name? Jeffrey G. Drury
How long have you been married? 8 1/2 years
How long did you date? Dated 7 months, engaged 9 months
How old is he? 31
Who eats more sweets? Me
Who said I love you first? Jeff
Who is taller? Jeff would say he is, but I'll call it a draw.
Who can sing the best? Jeff, I have no musical skills.
Who is smarter? I hate to admit it, but Jeff probably is. I hope he doesn't read this blog post.
Who does the laundry? Me. When it gets fully out of control (as in no clean underwear) Jeff pitches in.
Who pays the bills? Jeff. We both know what money we have and spend, but he does the juggling.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jeff, I take the left, closest to the door and screaming kids.
Who mows the lawn?Jeff, I've never, ever mowed a lawn. Lame huh?
Who cooks dinner? Usually I do, but Jeff is a great cook when he wants to. When he can see I'm on the edge, he handles it.
Who drives? Jeff. He loves to drive. I hate to drive and am terrible at it.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Usually Jeff. He hates to fight and apologizes even when we both know it was my fault.
Who kissed who first? Jeff, he couldn't resist me ;)
Who asked who out first? Jeff, but we didn't really start going out until after a camping trip in Mexico.
Who wears the pants? I act like I do, but at the end of the day I can't make decisions. Jeff is a lot more rational than I am.
PS--the picture of Jeff was taken at some bbq place in North Carolina. I made Jeff take it and he hates it. Seriously, it is hilarious to me . I don't know why.
Posted by Audrey at 11:56 AM 2 comments
Labels: Jeff
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Dad
Today the Brycer turns 60! I thought about what could say about my dad, and the better question is what isn't there to say. How do you sum up a man who loves loud techno music, duck hunting with his trusty (and naughty) springer Maggie, seafood, meatloaf, chocolate cake and ice cream. He has a soft spot for animals and spends the winter feeding hundreds of birds from his deck.He believes himself to be a snake charmer and hates the deer that eat his yard. He's a firm believer in "good medicine". He's a motivated man who is in constant motion. How else do you describe a man who worked 30 years as a fisheries biologist and then retired to run a boat rental?
I think the best way to describe him, is, he's my dad. He genuinely wants the best for everyone he meets. (Unless he hates you, then you're screwed). He's generous almost to a fault. He'll drop anything to hang out with my kids and our family. He works hard and is always learning new things. His dog couldn't ask for a better companion and he is one of Zoiee's only friends. He is an activities director, story teller and a self described "character". Dad, I'm proud of you and love you so much. Happy 60th!
Posted by Audrey at 5:34 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I reached a new low as a parent today. Instead of the usual brown rice cereal and soy milk, I fed Spike the organic/wheat free version of cocoa pebbles with chocolate soy milk for breakfast. Honestly, chocolate cereal with chocolate milk! I don't know what I was thinking (yes I do, the chocolate milk was in the fridge and a new box of plain milk was downstairs). Anyway, if you want to make your 1 year old's morning, might I suggest a chocolate fest. Spikey likes it :)
Posted by Audrey at 2:10 PM 6 comments
Labels: spike food