Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I reached a new low as a parent today. Instead of the usual brown rice cereal and soy milk, I fed Spike the organic/wheat free version of cocoa pebbles with chocolate soy milk for breakfast. Honestly, chocolate cereal with chocolate milk! I don't know what I was thinking (yes I do, the chocolate milk was in the fridge and a new box of plain milk was downstairs). Anyway, if you want to make your 1 year old's morning, might I suggest a chocolate fest. Spikey likes it :)


Kristen said...

At least you are honest! It sure makes up for the many moms who have done things of the like and then hide it - afraid of what their peer group might think!

Cindy Williams said...

I don't think that sounds weird. When Carter ate Fruit Loops with Chocolate milk...well, that was weird.

I love you Audrey!

Cindy Williams said...

Oh, buy the way...the fruit loop/chocolate milk was with me for those of you keeping track.

Janelle said...

Don't feel bad. Luke had Oreo's for dinner last night.

Jessica said...

I find that any day that begins with chocolate goes well.

Bonnie said...

I think you should say you reached a new "high" a sugar high! I wish I had only had chocolate for breakfast once! I think we should just make chocolate a food group and then life would be easier!