Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So I was Wrong

Yesterday morning, we braved terrible roads, early morning hours and a 17 month old without a bottle/breakfast, to take Spike to his endoscopy at Primary Children's. This test was ordered in the end of October and we just got in this week. (As a strange coincidence, it was on this day two years that we saw the first extensive ultrasound of Spike). I've been dreading this test for a number of reasons. First, I am just a nervous person and the thought of putting my baby under general anesthesia and handing him off to people I don't know is scary. Second, I have been convinced there is nothing wrong with Spike and this is a waste of time and money. It seemed ridiculous to spend a fortune and put Spike through an ordeal to find out what I already knew, he is healthy.

Well, after two chats with the pediatric GI, a trip to the "consultation room" and a long time in the recovery room, I can say it, "I was wrong." There is something wrong with Spike's esophagus. We are still waiting on some biopsies to make a final diagnosis, but most likely he will have a course of treatment that may involve limiting his diet further and introducing steriod therapy. Honestly, when the doctor was talking, I felt like I couldn't even listen because I was so shocked there was actually something wrong. To be even more honest, I'm still not sure I believe there is anything wrong, even after seeing the pictures, reading the literature, and talking to the GI. Spike has been doing so much better lately that I just can't get my arms around it. I guess I think the pathology will come back that all is well....although the doctor's comment to that idea was, "it is highly unlikely." Whatever, just because he's been to medical school and in practice for 25 years he thinks he knows more than me. :) j/k. I feel like the guy in Dumb and Dumber...."so, you're saying there's a chance".

Anyway, the best part of the story is Spike. Even under icky conditions, the child was 100% spunk. While waiting for the anesthesiologist, he was throwing toys and being wild (while I recieved dirty looks from all the other parents). When he came out of surgery he was "agitated" to say the least. He held his breath for 30 seconds and turned blue, requiring supplemental oxygen, because he was so mad. Every time a nurse would come he'd hold up his arm with the IV and scream "ting, ting". Meaning, "TAKE THIS THING OFF MY ARM!" What can I say, the kid knows how to win friends and influence people.

I had a picture of Spike in recovery to post, but for some reason it won't load...maybe I'll try again later. In the meantime, I realize what we are going though is NOTHING in comparison to what millions of parents endure every day. Even so, if you have any extra time in your prayers, throw in a wish for Spike.


Bonnie said...

I'm so sorry! I think every parent understands that no matter how "minor" or "major" something is with our kids it is still something. You are an amazing mom. Hang in there! We will definately pray for Spike.

Nicole said...

We will pray for Spike too, poor little dude. I am interested to see what they say though is wrong since my little guy has the same symptoms and diet plan as Spike. I wonder if I need to get him further testing.

Audrey said...


Does your little one have food allergies as well?

Amy said...

Spike is in our prayers! Keep us updated on his results!

Monica said...

WOW! I am surprised too. Prayers and little wishes for Spike headed you way.

Mandy said...

Stupid Doctors. What do they know, right?
No - I hope everything works out well for you and your cute little family!

Janelle said...

Hang in there Spike, even if Ice cream, peas, bread, chips etc..... aren't in your future your supermom will find something equally good or better!!

McIntire Madness said...

Good luck with everything. That is tough. Well wishes your way!

Nick, Kristen, Kaysen, Breklyn and Brayden said...

I am so sorry about Spike. I have to agree with Bon no matter how minor or major it is still big because our kids are our life. Let us know what you find out and of course our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. If you need anything please let me know.

Erin said...

I am so sorry to hear about your little guy. We are thinkin of you. Good luck!

Alecia&Kaylee said...

It is so aweful having to watch your child go through things like this. Keep us updated and know that I am thinking of you! You wrote that you always think of me on the 28th of Dec. Well, I still think of all of us girls on birthdays. March 15th, Aug. 4th, and 26th, I miss all the girls We had so much fun!! Hang in there and let me know if I can do anything to help... Love Ya!

Jessica said...

I am happy that you have such a great attitude! We will be thinking/praying for Spike. I know he is going to turn out great because he has the best mom ever!

Rick and T said...

Any kind of problem with a child is hard to believe! I hope the tests come back so you can know for sure for yourself one way or another and maybe fix some of the problems if there are any!! your an awesome mom thats for dang sure. enjoy ever minute cause pretty soon they will be 10 and then they will be 21. it's kind of sad actually. i'm not sure i can handle it. beginning of the year depression it think!! just keep enjoying them and let the house go!!

Two Twisted Sistas said...

We will for sure keep Spike in our prayers. We made a trip to the GI specialist at Primary Children's with Fischer...not fun. The hope is they can find out what will help him to be healthy. You are amazing! I swear you should be a writer. I love reading your blog. Please let us know what we can do to help.