Saturday, January 3, 2009


I am back! We have had a crazy month. Have you ever seen people moving everything they own in the middle of a snowstorm and you think to yourself, "Who in their right mind would do that?" Well, I have the answer, me. We began moving on the first real snow day of winter. Special thanks to Ash who braved Parley's canyon to help us, Kevin who sacrificed his body when he fell/slid down the snow/ice covered trailer door carrying our couch, Gil and Cindy who watched the kids, and my mom and dad who came down the week before and helped us pack, mom who came down the next week to help me clean the old house. We are "mostly" moved in. What that means is, the stuff we use is unpacked. The boxes we have moved with us for the last 8.5 years are, well, still in boxes.

I had planned on getting out Christmas cards with our new address, but that was a dream that didn't happen. If I had your email address, I sent you a dorky picture and the new address. If I didn't, here is the picture anyway. Send me your email address at and I'll send you our contact info.


Janelle said...

Love the picture and the new house!

Mandy said...

Sounds crazy and busy and like a mad house. Aren't you glad it's almost over (or so it sounds!) :)

I love the picture and I hope that you guys are getting to enjoy the new house - even a little. :)

Monica said...

Cute Picture Audrey. Your new home is beautiful!

Erin said...

The picture is cute!! Glad to see the update! I sent you a Christmas card probably to your old address, I hope you got it. Anyway, I bet you are relieved to be in your new home!

Blanck said...

Hooray!! Welcome to new home ownership. YOu are going to love it. Hope you survived the move and the unpacking. Inevitably something will disappear after the move and you will think to yourself. Where in the heck did that thing go..
ha ha
have fun

Nick, Kristen, Kaysen, Breklyn and Brayden said...

Totally cute family picture. I am glad you got moved (even if it was in the snow). If you need anything let me know.

Jessica said...

I love this pic! Your boys are too cute!