Monday, November 9, 2009


Last year at this time, I thought for sure our house in Heber would be sold by now. I was sure the market would have improved or that, somehow, we would have been immune to its crash. I was wrong. Our hopes of selling with a large profit quickly turned to desperation to get the house rented...FAST. Two payments, heat bills, and driveways to shovel quickly became overwhelming. Our renters are not everything that the neighbors would like. Okay, let's be honest, the neighbors hate them and call me regularly to tell me so. Still, so many people have lost their homes, and our renters allow us to make the payment every month. They shovel the snow and mow the lawn and apparently have really loud parties at night. Every month the girl brings me the rent more or less around the day that it is due. So today, when I deposited the money from our renters (that was only 2 days late!), I was reminded how grateful I am to have the house rented.


Monica said...

You should let them rent it for another 30 years and then you will be really loving them. :)

Kristen said...

I am so glad they have not left you in a bad situation. I hope they continue to pay!

Ali said...

Every neighborhood needs a little drama to make it interesting and fun, I am just glad I am not one of those neighbors enjoying the drama of your renters. And I completly is rented and still standing in good condition, how can you be anything but grateful.