I wasn't sure what to expect of Carter's very first primary program. I prepared for fear, silliness, and downright naughtiness. I did not prepare for this:
Yep, that is him, SOUND ASLEEP while the rest of the kids are singing! He did a great job, until about halfway through when he fell asleep. I guess he's preparing for the rest of his church career.
Big thanks to Lynn who took the picture from the stand. Thank goodness for a bishop and cousin who knows how much Grandma loves to scrapbook. This is a true "scrapbook moment!"
Monday, November 17, 2008
Primary Program
Posted by Audrey at 4:49 PM 11 comments
Labels: Carter church
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Houses and Homes
Sometimes you have a moment, and while it is happening, you realize you'll remember it forever. I had that moment yesterday. It wasn't anything dramatic, but I was sweeping out the basement of our new house and Jeff was outside cleaning up the construction mess. Spike was at my mom's and Carter was at primary practice. It reminded me of six years ago when Jeff and I were cleaning up the construction on the house we live in now. What struck me was how different it felt.
When we built our first house, we'd been married two years and had no kids, just Zoiee. Building the house was so exciting. We were grown ups! When I looked at the house I thought about where I'd put pieces of furniture. I wanted everything to look perfect. We were going to have a house, but I don't know if I really thought of it as a home for my family.
Building a home for a family is entirely different. It is fulfilling a primal need that every parent throughout time has worried about, it is providing shelter for your family. I know that the paint on the walls will get nicked and worn. I know the floor will have scratches. But I guess that is okay. Because this time, I care about our home protecting us. I caught myself looking at the heating ducts and praying they'd keep my babies warm on cold nights. I saw the electrical work and hoped it was done correctly so that there was never a fire in our home. I looked at the roof and decided it would keep us dry no matter what nature gave us. I prayed this house would give our family shelter from the storms of life.
When I was a baby, my mom and dad built their home from a kit that came on a semi. They did it all themselves with a one year old in tow. As the years went on and they talked of a new house, my dad was always adamant that he wasn't moving. He had built this house and wasn't leaving. I, of course, thought he was crazy. Then today, I understood. He knew the house. He knew every part of it. He'd built it as a a labor of love to keep his family safe. The house had served him well. How could he abandon it because it showed signs of wear?
I don't know how long we'll be in our Midway home, but I do know this, it will be a home and not just a house.
Posted by Audrey at 7:10 AM 7 comments
Labels: house
Monday, November 10, 2008
Help from my Peeps?
I've been on the internet all afternoon, trying to decide what type of washer to buy. I've read reviews, looked at specifications, second guessed everything. When it comes down to it, I guess I don't trust reviews from people I don't know. However, I know my blog friends will never lie and have (unfortunately) LOTS of combined laundry experience. So, I'm throwing it out to you. If you have experience with a front load washer, please send me your advice. I'm looking at the Whirlpool Duet, Bosch 500, and LG. D o you love one of these or hate one? Is there something better? What about steam? Do you have it? Do you need it?
Posted by Audrey at 2:00 PM 10 comments
Labels: house
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It seems that no matter how hard we fight it, change is an inevitable part of life. Generally, change terrifies me and I go into it with heels dug in, fighting the whole way. Later, I look back and realize that the change was for the better. My problem with change is that it requires faith, trust and patience. It requires that my stronger, zen-like self, must squash the hysterical woman inside me. I heard a few months ago that faith is a choice. That is, we must choose to be faithful. So, as our family goes through a serious of small and large changes over the next few months, I'm trying very hard to choose faithfulness. Armed with an arsenal of long baths, herbal tea, calming music, exercise, books that are more dramatic than my own life and prayer, I'm beginning the journey. The following is a quick list of some of the changes occuring this week:
1. The season has changed, fall is OVER and winter is here.
2. Apparently Carter grew over the summer. We'll be changing for all new snow clothes.
3. Barack Obama is the new president.
4. Spike is hungry and hasn't thrown up. The change to prevacid seems to be helping!
5.Our new house is almost done. We hope to be changing the ownership of our current home to someone else. Please, won't someone buy it?
6. Jeff has a new office. Oh wait, Jeff has a new job! Jeff is the new Solutions Architect for Prowess Consutling. His old company was bought out the same week that he got a great offer for this position in SLC.
It seems faith does work.
So as I'm writing this, I have that stupid song, "cha, cha, cha changes..." in my head. If you don't know it, that makes sense because I only know the dumbest songs ever. If you do know it, then I hope it gets stuck in your head to :)
Posted by Audrey at 2:55 PM 11 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
John McCain
Heard in our car Saturday night:
Carter: "Mom, do you know who the next president of the United States is?"
Me: "No Carter, who?"
Carter: "John McCain is the next president"
Me: "Really? I'm not sure I support John McCain"
Carter: "Well, too bad. I'm a John McCain supporter."
How has this happened? My little Carter has grown up in a house of democrats, and yet at four years old, he's a John McCain supporter? I'm all for letting everyone pick their own politics, but I didn't expect him to pick so early!
Posted by Audrey at 8:22 AM 4 comments
Labels: Carter Quotes
Friday, October 17, 2008
How Can Someone so Cute be so Bad?
I had planned to write a post about our vacation today, but Spike just trumped it. I took him out of the bath this morning and put him down for a nap wearing just a diaper. Bad move. He has taken off his diaper a few times before, but it's never been a big mess. Usually, it's just been kind of funny to walk in on a kid with a bare bum in his bed. That said, I should have learned my lesson. I didn't.
I heard him fussing and went in to get him out of his bed. I opened the door and the smell hit me. You guessed it, poop. I quickly assessed the situation, disaster. He'd taken off the perfectly dry, clean diaper. Peed his bed, pooped his bed and then played in it. POOP EVERYWHERE! Everywhere but the diaper that is. I looked at him and screamed, "You didn't!" He looked back at me, pointed at the poo pile and said, "uh oh". Yeah, uh oh.
I thought about taking a picture. Then decided that was disgusting and he would be forever mortified. So, we took another bath and cleaned his room. Spike has now lost "diaper only" privileges and will be wearing a onsie at all times.
Posted by Audrey at 11:05 AM 5 comments
Labels: Spike
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Okay, I've been ignoring the tags because I'm pretty boring. But....I am now caving to peer pressure.
The Man Tag!!
A. The rules are posted at the beginning.B. Each Person answers questions about their sweethearts C. At the End of the post, the person then tags people and posts their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged.Alright people here are the facts and details.
What is your husbands name? Jeffrey G. Drury
How long have you been married? 8 1/2 years
How long did you date? Dated 7 months, engaged 9 months
How old is he? 31
Who eats more sweets? Me
Who said I love you first? Jeff
Who is taller? Jeff would say he is, but I'll call it a draw.
Who can sing the best? Jeff, I have no musical skills.
Who is smarter? I hate to admit it, but Jeff probably is. I hope he doesn't read this blog post.
Who does the laundry? Me. When it gets fully out of control (as in no clean underwear) Jeff pitches in.
Who pays the bills? Jeff. We both know what money we have and spend, but he does the juggling.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jeff, I take the left, closest to the door and screaming kids.
Who mows the lawn?Jeff, I've never, ever mowed a lawn. Lame huh?
Who cooks dinner? Usually I do, but Jeff is a great cook when he wants to. When he can see I'm on the edge, he handles it.
Who drives? Jeff. He loves to drive. I hate to drive and am terrible at it.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Usually Jeff. He hates to fight and apologizes even when we both know it was my fault.
Who kissed who first? Jeff, he couldn't resist me ;)
Who asked who out first? Jeff, but we didn't really start going out until after a camping trip in Mexico.
Who wears the pants? I act like I do, but at the end of the day I can't make decisions. Jeff is a lot more rational than I am.
PS--the picture of Jeff was taken at some bbq place in North Carolina. I made Jeff take it and he hates it. Seriously, it is hilarious to me . I don't know why.
Posted by Audrey at 11:56 AM 2 comments
Labels: Jeff
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Dad
Today the Brycer turns 60! I thought about what could say about my dad, and the better question is what isn't there to say. How do you sum up a man who loves loud techno music, duck hunting with his trusty (and naughty) springer Maggie, seafood, meatloaf, chocolate cake and ice cream. He has a soft spot for animals and spends the winter feeding hundreds of birds from his deck.He believes himself to be a snake charmer and hates the deer that eat his yard. He's a firm believer in "good medicine". He's a motivated man who is in constant motion. How else do you describe a man who worked 30 years as a fisheries biologist and then retired to run a boat rental?
I think the best way to describe him, is, he's my dad. He genuinely wants the best for everyone he meets. (Unless he hates you, then you're screwed). He's generous almost to a fault. He'll drop anything to hang out with my kids and our family. He works hard and is always learning new things. His dog couldn't ask for a better companion and he is one of Zoiee's only friends. He is an activities director, story teller and a self described "character". Dad, I'm proud of you and love you so much. Happy 60th!
Posted by Audrey at 5:34 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I reached a new low as a parent today. Instead of the usual brown rice cereal and soy milk, I fed Spike the organic/wheat free version of cocoa pebbles with chocolate soy milk for breakfast. Honestly, chocolate cereal with chocolate milk! I don't know what I was thinking (yes I do, the chocolate milk was in the fridge and a new box of plain milk was downstairs). Anyway, if you want to make your 1 year old's morning, might I suggest a chocolate fest. Spikey likes it :)
Posted by Audrey at 2:10 PM 6 comments
Labels: spike food
Monday, September 29, 2008
Confessions of a Slacker
Well, I'm coming clean. My house is a wreck. Yep, I said it. It's a wreck today and it was yesterday and probably will be tomorrow and most likely will be in a year and 6 days from now. I hear that the first step to any problem is acceptance. Here it is, I hate cleaning. I really, really hate it. Some may say that you hate cleaning but hate a dirty house more. Not me. I hate cleaning. I hate laundry. Rarely is my house clean and my laundry done. Crap falls out of my cupboards when I open them. My laundry is in a giant pile. Sometimes the pile is so bad I can't open(or close, depending on the location of the pile) my closet door. We save money on paper by drawing in the dust on the piano instead. I've lived in my house 6 years and the high windows have not been cleaned on the outside. I think I last washed the walls just to clean them and not to clean off a spill in 2004.
This isn't a new phenomenon. Think of what part of my life you knew me and and you'll find an example of my mess.
Grade School: Mine was the desk that the lid didn't really close because it was loaded with crap.
High School: Giant backpack filled with everything you might need...if you could find it.
College: Dorm room from hell...clothes everywhere but in the dresser.
Work: Doesn't a messy desk mean that you are good at multi-tasking? Thank goodness Randall had a messy desk to. He's forever endeared in my heart.(messys have to stick together)
Mom: Well...come on over, but don't call first.
The real problem is that I have intentions of being all organized and clutter free. I just have so many other things I'd like to do more. Before you call social services though, my counters are wiped off, dishes are always done and the bathrooms are clean. The rest just gets away from me. I learned in college that there is a big difference in effort required between an A and an B+. Pretend that my house is a B+ ...even though it's probably close to a C or D. So, if you come over and see my house in it's natural state, know that while you'll have crumbs between your toes, you won't get a disease. If you come over and it's clean, know that I tried, but don't look too close. Close your eyes and ignore the details. Focus on the fact that I'm so happy you're my friend and love me in spite of my slacker tendencies.
Posted by Audrey at 7:15 PM 6 comments
Labels: house
Friday, September 19, 2008
What a miracle it is to have children in our lives. From the moment they enter the world and we first hold them in our arms, our lives are never the same again. How grateful I am to have held my babies on my chest and comforted them as they fell asleep. I feel blessed to be able to bathe their perfect bodies, feed them endless meals, and buy new clothes as they grow out of them. These things let me know that their bodies are growing and they are healthy and strong. I'm so glad for the constant noise of our home. The tantrums and silliness let me know they are individuals and I'm glad they can express themselves. I'm thankful for the constant questions and crazy stories and new "invented" words. Where would we be without the passion and imagination of children? I love this time in their lives when I can make anything better with a hug and a snuggle. I love the way they smell when they sleep, their rumpled hair and messy faces.
This time with my boys is such a small part of our lives. So, given that, I've resolved again to say "yes" more often. To spend more time at the park and less time on the internet. I will listen more and ask them to be quiet less. I will play games that I hate. I will sword fight, play Star Wars, and operate diggers. I will read the same book 3000 times more and I will like it. I will like it because I am a mother. I am a mother who is loved. I am a mother who gets to watch my children sleep at night. I am a mother who gets to watch my children grow. I am blessed. These days may be short, but I will not wish them away. I am a mother.
Posted by Audrey at 4:10 PM 10 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Jesus Store
On Tuesday I took the kids with me on quick shopping trip to Provo. We made it to three stores without a meltdown! The highlight of the day was the Distribution Center. We were walking through the store and Carter was, of course, bored. All of a sudden, he noticed there were pictures. This is what was heard by fellow shoppers:
Carter : "Mom, look, there is a picture of Jesus! Look, there is another one of Him! Mom, this is the JESUS STORE!!"
Me: (laughing) " Yes, Carter I guess it is. Do you know what is happening in this picture?" (picture posted above)
Carter: "Mom, see this guy and this guy (pointing to the two on the far sides of the picture) they are robbers. And Jesus, I don't know what he did to get on that cross. Too bad for him."
Me: "Carter, would you like to pick a Jesus picture for your room?"
Carter: "Um, no Mom...I would like a transformers poster."
I think it is time for us to invest in the Liken movies or a similar product. Any suggestions?
Posted by Audrey at 12:26 PM 7 comments
Labels: Carter Quotes
Friday, August 29, 2008
Spike Update
Okay, so it has been a week of good news and drama with our sweet little Spike. After his 12 month check up and weighing in at 16lbs, our pediatrician decided it was time for Spike to see an allergist. After a month of waiting, we went to see Jeff's allergist. I told her the story of Spike, the choking/projectile vomiting, the icky poop, the screaming, the food sensitivities, the rashes. Her first words were, "wow, he's really really small." Um, I know that. Beyond that, why is it the end of the world to be small? Anyway, she tells me she thinks he'll need to see a GI, but that we'll do some other testing. They did the scratch test and apparently he has a severe egg allergy, but no immune response to wheat or lactose. This is great news because intolerances are less severe and the chance of him growing out of them is much better. After my lesson in the epipen (which I am to carry at all times due to the egg allergy), I was ready to leave and happy with the day. The doctor said that she thought we should do a "sweat test". I didn't really ask what it was for as I assumed it was something digestive, what with all the talk of seeing a GI. As I went to leave, the receptionist told me my appointment at Primary Children's was at 2:30.
I had some time to kill while Spike napped in the car, so I called Cindy to give her the update. She asked what the sweat test was and I told her I didn't know. As the internet answers all our questions, she said she'd look it up. There was silence on the phone. Weird, awkward silence, and she hung up. Jeff called about 10 minutes later and said, "are they testing him for cystic fibrosis?" I assured him that they weren't...certainly the doctor would have told me. Eventually we got all checked in for the tests at the hospital and as they are beginning, the girl doing the test said, "we're checking for cystic fibrosis only." WHAT!!!! I told the girl that I thought it must be for something else, something digestive. She told me that no, it was for cystic fibrosis and the symptom's could be digestive and my baby was "clearly failing to thrive." KNIFE TO THE HEART!!! Anyway we did the test and finally got home around 6:00 that night, 8 hours after we left the house...a long day for me and Spike.
The results were supposed to be back in 2 days. However, after a week of worrying and avoiding the internet, I called the doctor's office yesterday and freaked out. Anyway, the PA called back and said he definitely doesn't have CF, but she doesn't know what else to do now, because the doctor didn't write it in the notes. As instructed by our pediatrician's office, I called the Primary Children's GI department for an appointment. Apparently they can see him when hell freezes over....or maybe December if I call on a magical day and the phone rings 6 times and the receptionist is wearing purple.
Long story short, after a week of drama, Spike is the exact same now as when it started.I don't think he is failing to thrive. I don't think he has a terrible condition. I think he's a cute little baby who is into everything, whose smile melts my heart, whose giggle is like music, who has a sensitive tummy. That said, I have a call into our doctor and I'm sure months from now we'll see a GI to find out that he is healthy. --Update....I spoke with our regular doctor on the phone and he said that since Spike is growing I don't have to do the GI think. THANK GOODNESS!
Posted by Audrey at 8:41 AM 6 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Bad Day/Great Day and Some Swearing
Today was one of those days when just as everything is going terrible, something wonderful happens. It was our first day back to "real life" after Jeff being on vacation for all of last week, so it was a bit of a reality check. I decided today was a good day to get passports for me and the boys so that we can go on vacation in October. Um, that was until I realized I can't find Spike's birth certificate. I thought I knew EXACTLY where it was. Apparently not. While I was freaking out about that, I heard Carter yell "uh oh" from upstairs. I ran up to find Spike sitting in a pile of rice krispies. Like a full box that he'd dumped on the floor and smashed up. (picture to follow) Have I mentioned that his cereal costs a fortune? It does and we had to throw all of it away because it had been smashed to pieces. Beyond the cost, the biggest pain is that I have to go to Provo to buy the cereal. I think Carter could tell I was about to lose it, because he said, "mommy, let me clean it up". He was so cute, he worked so hard and vacuumed it all up. That was when the night turned around. After that, Carter was my best helper. He helped make dinner and even helped clean up. Jeff got done with work late, but we ended up walking the trail around Deer Creek. It was perfect! The kids were great and we got to enjoy the last little bit of summer. It was one of the first times all summer that Carter really got out of the stroller and hiked. He ran races with Jeff and I, saw two bunnies, found animal bones and rocks, and peed in the bushes. Could life be better?
On a final note, the day also taught me that Jeff and I need to really start watching our language. Carter is a super swearer. I think it is because he comes from a long line of cursers, but really, he knows how to place the words perfectly. For example, tonight while making dinner, I tried a piece of pasta to see if it was done. Carter looked at me and said, "Mommy, why are you eating that damn hot pasta?" Last week, he watched a movie and said, "that guy is kicking his ass." I hate to admit it, because the swearing really is bad, but it is so funny that I laugh every time. He's just so serious about it. Wish me luck on watching my language and keeping a straight face while listening to Carter.
Posted by Audrey at 8:55 PM 5 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Wise Man said What?!!!
So, whoever said the "wise man built his house upon a rock"obviously has not paid an excavator. Ca-ching is all I can say. That said, we are SO excited that our new house is getting started. The main excavating/hammering is done. I'm sure all of the future neighbors hate us. When I shared in the relief society "good news minute" that the hammering was done, there was cheering. Apparently anyone close to our lot (most of midway) enjoyed 5 days of house-shaking hammering. Anyway, the foundation is poured and the framing should start sometime this week. The contractor is on the ball...now we're just freaking out about selling our current Heber home. If you know anyone that wants a great, affordable house in Heber, send them my way!
Posted by Audrey at 6:13 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Kid Can Eat!
For those of you who knew me when Carter was born, you'll remember that I was a complete nut job about his food. That boy was going to eat only the healthiest food around. No mac and cheese, spagetti o's? NOT MY KID. My child would eat healthy, whole foods. Let's just say that times changed. Fast forward to Spike. As many of you know, feeding him has been an issue. He doesn't tolerate wheat, gluten, dairy, and appears to be a little sensitive to eggs. No wonder he only weighs 16 lbs at one year, you can't get fat on fruit and rice cakes! Anyway, I've been longing for a "meal in can/pouch" for him. Packing a meal that he can and wants to eat every time we leave the house was starting to feel overwhelming. Plus, he's one now, and doesn't want to eat his lame0 stuff when everyone else is eating something yummy at a restuarant. Fortunatley, my mother-in-law is the queen of internet shopping and this week a box of food from gluten free mall arrived. It contained pouches of spaghetti-o's, rice and chili mac for kids with allergies. I just have to stick them in the microwave and Spike loves them. The first night he ate them, we all got a little teary. It was amazing to watch him eating with both hands and getting covered from head to toe in spaghetti. At this point in my life, I'm so grateful for the people who are making allergen-free food for little kids. It is such a blessing to be able to watch Spike eat something good and normal and offically "kid food".
Posted by Audrey at 11:43 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
We have A-Pids (AKA: aphids)
Carter and I were outside picking lettuce today when I noticed that there were some aphids. I showed Carter the aphids and told him that we would put some spray on them to make them go away. I am new gardener and I'm trying to stay chemical/fertilizer free so I consulted the internet for directions. The internet told me to mix dish soap and water and spray. Of course, I couldn't find a squirt bottle so it was a run to the store. This is what Carter told Jeff as we were leaving, "STORE EMERGENCY! We have Apids on our growing salad!!"
Here is what kills me about the whole thing, at our house, lettuce is referred to only as "salad." That said, Carter HATES salad and covers his mouth with his hands if it gets within a foot of him. So, I have no idea why he was so concerned about the bugs. He was though, and those "apids" have been thoroughly sprayed.
Posted by Audrey at 2:42 PM 7 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
So Blessed
So, I stole this from Becca's blog and it is my new favorite thing. You can not beat a blog that makes fun of Utah bloggers. It is SPOT ON!! Please enjoy.
Posted by Audrey at 5:33 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Shooting Stars
A few weeks ago, Jeff and Carter went to get the mail "in the middle of the night". (Code for around 10:00---after we got home from Bear Lake) Carter came upstairs today and told me that on the mail adventure, they had seen "two shooting stars!" He followed that up with this quote: "Mom, do you know that shooting stars are so powerful? They are so powerful that when you wish, any wish you wish will come true!"
Someone is watching too much Disney. Then again, here's hoping that Disney is right..I'll keep wishing on shooting stars.
Posted by Audrey at 5:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: Carter Quotes
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Summer Nights
Last night was one of the nights that makes me so grateful to live in this amazing valley. The Midway Arts Foundation had a great (and FREE) Peter Breinholt concert at the Midway Plaza ...AKA " the town square". It was so much fun! Carter started asking at 3:00 when we were going to the concert. He loved it. The kid has rhythm, so there was a lot of dancing. Even Jeff and I busted out our old school moves. The best part though, Spike got a treat! They had these push-pop type treats that were actually Italian ice---gluten and dairy free. Spike was squealing with joy. He had one taste, then grabbed the whole treat and covered his face. It ended up that he ate the better part of two icee-things. (How can you say no to a 17 lb baby who is frantically making the "bottle" sign...because its the only sign he knows and it usually gets him food?)He still has a slightly blue face and Jeff's clothes may become casualties of fatherhood. Big thanks to Cindy who rode her girly girl pink bike to the concert and took the kids for a walk when they started to get restless. It was so much fun to sit on the blanket with Jeff and listen to the songs we loved in college and pretend we were cool again. Long live summer!
Posted by Audrey at 1:27 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A) Attached or Single- Attached
B) Best Friend- Jeff
C) Cake or Pie-Chocolate cake with whipped cream!
D) Day- Saturday, it's the day Jeff is home and not working!
E) Essential Item- baby wipes, they clean anything.
F) Favorite Color- Red
G) Gummi Bears or Worms- Worms
H) Home Town- Garden City
I) Indulgence- Going out to eat
J) Jan. or July- July, boating, BBQ, sleeping with the window open
K) Kids-2 boys: Carter (3) Spike/Will (1 next month)
L) Life is incomplete without- My family
M) Marriage Date- May 19, 2000
N) Number of Siblings- 1
O) Oranges or Apples- Oranges
P) Phobias or Fears- Something terrible happening to my family or us ending up destitute.
Q) Quote- "The days are long, but the years are short"
R) Reason to Smile-hugs from my boys.
S) Season- Fall
T) Tag- Janelle, Amy, Monica
U) Unknown fact about me- My favorite thing is getting into clean sheets.
V) Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal- Animals! Jeff has brought me to the dark side
W) Worst Habit- imagining the worst possible scenario at all times
X) Rays or Ultrasound- neither
Y) Your favorite food- Candy
Z) Zodiac sign- Pisces
Posted by Audrey at 9:11 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Father's Day
So I'm sure that the blog world is abuzz with sweet touching stories of Father's Day today. What do I love most about Jeff? I have so many wonderful things to say about my cute family and my wonderful husband Jeff, but today, I'm keeping it real. What I love best about Jeff right now is that when Spike choked on dirt, fell down three stairs and ate dog poo last week, Jeff laughed and helped me clean up. Yes, you read that right, choked on dirt, fell down three stairs and ate dog poo in the course of one day. The dog poo story is really too gruesome to go into, but let's suffice to say it involved a "s**t-eating smile", me having the gags while screaming and cleaning Spike up, a frantic call to the pediatrician, and husband that loves me enough to help me clean up while he was laughing hysterically.
Often I read blogs and get the impression that everyone who has a blog also has a perfect life of bliss and amazing achievement (and professional quality pics to go along with it). Well, our life may not be perfect,(and I'm glad I don't have pics of the poop), but I couldn't be more thankful. Jeff is an awesome dad who can lighten the mood in an instant, wrestle kids like crazy, calm a crazy mom, save a dog's (zoiee) life, and do it all while traveling 4 days a week and working like crazy. I love you Jeff and I can't imagine my crazy/non-perfect/wonderful life without you!
Posted by Audrey at 2:40 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dead Bird Soup
Yesterday Carter and I were playing one of his favorite games...restaurant. He was being "the sir" and asked what I wanted. I asked first for a salad and diet coke but he was "out of that". When I asked what he had, he offered spaghetti and bird soup. I asked what the bird soup was. He told he it was "dead birds mommy, but we take the feathers off." When I told him I'd take the dead bird soup, he reminded me that "it's bad mommy, it's dead birds." After further questioning, we determined that the soup was a mix of dead eagles and vultures. While the feathers are taken off, the beaks are left in the soup. So, if you're coming to our house for dinner, prepare for some dead bird soup complete with beaks. And please, whatever you do, don't tell the the federal government about our Eagle soup.
Posted by Audrey at 9:22 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mother's Day
What a great weekend! For Mother's Day we went camping at Snow Canyon. Jeff got off work early on Friday and we arrived in St. George just in time to have dinner at In and Out. I had the hungry crankies and without meaning to, ate Jeff's double double. The sad deal about the whole thing is this. I was bugged Jeff bought me a double. He was sad I was eating his double instead of the single he ordered for me but we were both trying not to complain. When I was done eating and the crankies had gone away, Jeff looked at me at with the saddest face and said, "you ate my burger." I felt so bad! Oh well, I had my first double double and he got to go back on the way out of town on Sunday for his!While we were there we saw a lot of ants, chased some lizards and spotted 3 snakes! Okay, one was in an aquarium, but the other two were outside. Pretty much, the snake was the highlight for Carter. We also did a few short hikes, (it takes a long time to go a mile when you stop to look at every grain of sand!) It was a great trip and I'm so grateful for my cute camping boys! I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day than to spend the weekend outside with my favorite people.
Posted by Audrey at 1:32 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
1 down 25 to go...
Spike figured out the letter E. We figure he is pretty advanced for 9 months. He only has 25 more letters to go.
In addition to his letters Spike has also started working in the audio visual industry.
Posted by Audrey at 8:45 PM 4 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Favorite Water Creature
Carter just asked me, "Mom, what is your favorite water creature?" Random, I know. Anyway, it made me wonder, what are your favorite water creatures? Let me know!
Oh, for the record, mine is a crab or a sea otter and Carter doesn't have one.
Posted by Audrey at 9:18 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
San Fransisco
For my birthday Jeff and I both decided that we needed a trip! We turned in some of Jeff's hard-earned sky miles, mom and dad picked up the kids, and we set off on an adventure. It was the first time Jeff and I had been away together in two years, so it was a great break. I was planning on sleeping in every day, but curse those body clocks! I was awake every morning (and all night) just as if Spike and Carter were with me. On the plus side, I used that time to consult the guide books and I can say, with certainty, that we saw most of the touristy San Fransisco things. And, for those of you who know Jeff, you won't be surprised to hear that Jeff was chosen from the crowd to be part of a circus show. We toured the city, ate fantastic food (including Dim Sum in Chinatown were we were the only white people in the place), and really enjoyed each other. As for being without the kids, it was hard at first, then we relaxed and had a great time. We stumbled into an awesome ceremony of sorts in Chinatown. I'll post the pics later, they are still on the camera.
Jeff is on the right, holding a 55 year old acrobat while she juggled fire! I'm eating a crab sandwich in the pic....notice the craps watching me.
Posted by Audrey at 8:32 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Easter Time
Okay, so Jeff and I are going to be out of town for Easter...I know, I know, mother of the year. Anyway, I'm on a mania to do "Easter things" before we go. We made some "arts and crafts" yesterday. Which was hilarious because you all know I'm not crafty. So today was the egg dyeing day. I've always done this with my mom's extended family and about a million kids. It has always been a fun family tradition, but, let's just say, a tradition you didn't want to have at your house. Picture 11 kids under 8 and about 12 dozen eggs. Add to that two sets of grandparents and 4 sets of parents supervising. It takes forever, lots of spills and a fight or two for good measure. Because this event wasn't in the cards for us this year, I was determined to bring a little of the party to my own house.As soon as Spike fell asleep this morning, Carter and I set upon the project. I was expecting the worst. I'll say this, egg dyeing is a snap with one kid! One dozen down, only one broken egg and no spills. Start to finish, one half hour! I was expecting to have some chatting time with Carter. Unfortunately, he reported that , "I'm too busy working to talk Mom." Okay, over and out buddy. Lots of work was done today. The biggest hit was the use of the crayon to make "Cool Designs" on the eggs.
So in the end, the day was a success. Eggs are dyed. Fingers are green. Most importantly, I don't feel like a fully neglectful mother. I love these times with Carter!Note the large amounts of blue and green eggs...the green one on the right is a "Dinosaur Egg!!!"
Posted by Audrey at 10:40 AM 3 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Things About Me
WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Yes, Audrey Ann for my grandmas’ middle names. Audrey for my dad’s mom, Avril Audrey Butcher Nielson and Ann for my mom’s mom, Avon Ann Labrum Blanck
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? This week when I went in to check on my sleeping boys. They are so wild in the day, but when they are sound asleep I forget about all the things they do that make me crazy and I realize what miracles they are. I pray I can enjoy every minute with them. They’ll be grown up in a heartbeat.
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? Turkey, the non-slimy kind from the deli.
6. DO YOU USE SARCASM? Yes, but I don’t know if Carter catches it.
11. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? No, and it sucks.
12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Not a huge ice cream eater, but I like raspberry from the pizza place in Bear Lake after a long day on the boat.
13. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? If they look happy….lame I know.
14. RED OR PINK? RED! Just ask Carter, red is my favorite color.
15. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU STRUGGLE WITH ABOUT YOURSELF? I always kind of feel like an idiot…a frumpy idiot. I’m working on it J
16. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW? Embarrassed to admit…blue flannel pj pants and no shoes.
17. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? Mini marshmallows
20. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SMELLS? New baby, coffee and cigarette smoke outside on a cold day. Weird combo I know…..
22. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? Basketball, but I’m learning to like football.
25. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? No, I have awesome vision.
26. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? I really like fish….but I like treats more. I’ve never really met a treat I didn’t like.
27. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy Endings ----life is scary enough for me
28. SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer, I love it!
30. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED... Astronaut Farmer.
31. FAVORITE DESSERT? Depends…I always like Key Lime pie.
32. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING RIGHT NOW? - I just finished The Doctors Wife. It was okay. I tried to read the Persian Bride, but apparently I suck at history so I can’t follow the politics of the book. It’s going back to the library J
34. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? Project Runway Finale---it was fierce!
35. FAVORITE SOUNDS? Carter or Will when they get the giggles. (stole that from Cindy…but it’s the truth)
38. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Um, according to the pilates teacher, I have freakishly flexible ankles. Does that count?
FAVORITE PAIR OF SHOES- This is a seasonal choice. In the winter months I can’t be without my Dansko clogs. For the summer, Chaco flip flops are the only way to go!
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION – I was going to eat better, but since that resolution has already been broken, can start a “Turning 29 resolution? That resolution will be to eat better and get tough. Wish me luck…starting tomorrow J
WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW- I don’t know who sings it, but it is the one that goes , “I’m not gonna write you a love song…”
IF YOU HAD $200 TO SPEND ON YOURSELF WHAT WOULD IT BE- I need to give in and quit being cheap and buy a gym pass. So I can accomplish the “Turning 29 Resolution”
RANDOM THOUGHT- I need to get my battery charger.
FAVORITE PLACE TO GO IN THE CITY YOU LIVE IN – Bowling alley on Tuesday nights. We go and have hamburgers, hotdogs, fries and diet coke. I love seeing Cindy and Johnny and Gretchen. The boys love it…especially if Papa Gil is there to spend $20 on pinball and vending machine toys. I especially love to go when Jeff is out of town. I don’t have to cook dinner and I see adults!
Posted by Audrey at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hi there! So I've finally given in to the Utah mom peer pressure, I'm doing a blog! I'm hoping this will be a good way to chronicle our lives. I have two wild and wonderful little boys. Carter is 3 and Will (AKA Spike) is 7 months. Jeff and I have been married for almost 8 years and I couldn't be happier. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with the whole empty blot page, so check in later for updates.
Posted by Audrey at 8:43 PM 0 comments